Yale Series N

New Yale white paper shows how lift truck customisation can improve productivity

A new white paper from Yale Materials Handling explains how the Yale Series N forklift truck can be customised to help increase productivity and efficiency in your operation.

No two businesses are the same, and neither are their forklift requirements. As the latest whitepaper from Yale, titled ‘Why Customisation Is More Than a Novelty’ demonstrates, there are several aspects of the Yale Series N lift truck that can be customised to meet the unique demands of your business, putting you in control.

Download the whitepaper now to learn more.

Custom options can increase productivity and generate savings

Customisation can generate both upfront and long-term savings. One-size-fits-all solutions can lead operations to waste money by purchasing excess features or sacrificing productivity with a solution not optimised for the task at hand.

In logistics, customisation choices are driven by carefully studying workflows and selecting the best tools to support overall effectiveness and efficiency. Choosing only the standard options could do more harm than good if equipment is not properly equipped for the task at hand – risking premature wear, greater expense or limited productivity.

Learn more - download the whitepaper.

Why would you need to customise your forklift truck fleet?

Many different factors can indicate a need for lift truck customisation. For example, is the work environment indoor, outdoor or a mix of both? Are there tight spaces, or hot and cold temperatures? What about utility grid capacity and fuel availability?

These factors, and more, must be considered when designing the most effective and efficient lift truck fleet. Load type is also a determining factor. Unique or non-palletised loads common in certain industries can require specific attachments or features like raised cabins.

Customisation opens the door for the collaborative relationship between sales and buyer to determine the exact, best truck for the application to achieve better efficiency and higher productivity.

Download the whitepaper to find out more.

Putting you in control

As the pace of change keeps accelerating, businesses cannot afford to be stuck in a rigid, inflexible model. Smart design and flexible sourcing get the latest technologies to market more quickly, ready to deploy on a versatile platform as part of a customised solution.

Download our whitepaper, titled ‘Why Customisation Is More Than a Novelty’, today and see for yourself how Yale Series N lift trucks can help transform your warehouse or distribution centre.

Use our Yale dealer finder to locate and contact your local authorised dealer, who can help you find the right solution for your operation.