Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan

Within our industry, we have seen a substantial shift to more environmentally sustainable products, and as a large, global company focused on long-term growth, we continue to be proactive in addressing this shift.

We run our business with a long-term view, and we have established goals and strategic initiatives to help us achieve our long-term business objectives. Built into our strategic initiatives, and underlying our overall strategic planning process, is a broad program designed to ensure strong corporate responsibility. Dengan merangkul kesehatan sosial, lingkungan, dan ekonomi di setiap bagian organisasi kami, kami melayani kepentingan terbaik jangka panjang perusahaan dan pemegang saham kami sambil membantu berkontribusi dalam memecahkan tantangan yang berdampak pada pelanggan dan komunitas kami

This report describes Hyster-Yale's commitment to promote a culture of corporate responsibility throughout our company and the product value chain as we strive towards our 2026 Vision.

Tanggung Jawab Perusahaan


To view Hyster-Yale's Conflict Minerals Report, please click here.